Tuesday 6 August 2013


Our search for an overnight stopping place en-route to Tromso failed - there were lots of roadworks and we just couldn't find anywhere suitable. In desperation we consulted our new Dutch Motorhome Club iPhone app which recommended a carpark in Tromso. We plugged in the coordinates and headed into the city - or perhaps I should say underneath the city!

After crossing the bridge onto the island we entered a tunnel which went for miles underground - it even had roundabouts and junctions. Despite loosing the satnav signal we managed to find our way to the correct exit and into the carpark.

The parking price was a surprise, the meter said NOK 12 per hour but when I paid the following morning it only charged for one hour - a bargain at about 11p for the whole night plus there was free fresh water and a loo emptying point!

Tromso Cathedral has an entire wall of stained glass designed by some French bloke. Next morning we had a look from the outside - you could see right through so we saved the exorbitant £4 entry charge.

No need for the pepper spray - the bears are quite tame :-)


One of the University buildings - amazing!


After several weeks without beer the temptation was too much.

There were lots of statues around Tromso

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