Monday 20 April 2015


We left the parking area at Lelystad and headed to Kampen to fill and empty our tanks. Unfortunately, we arrived to discover that the parking had been taken over by a circus, which meant we couldn't use the facilities. We consulted our trusty MH parking app and discovered that there was an aire at a nearby marina on the outskirts of Zwolle. After performing our service and parking next to the boats in the marina we walked the 3km into the city.
The cathedral in the Grotte square with a glass angel sculpture.

A small section of the original city walls has been restored.

A very ornate sign outside the chemist shop.

Through gaps in the skyline in the distance we spotted what looked like a space ship.... getting closer we discovered that it is actually the roof of a museum. Looking somewhat our of place in between the old buildings but the cafĂ© opposite had free loo's - something of a rarity in NL! 

Lunch today is a local delicacy - frites with mayonnaise. We certainly know how to live it up! 
Dutch barges in the old canal.
We spotted this rather funky bridge on our way back to Kiki.

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