Thursday 2 April 2015

Den Haag

Today we're visiting Den Haag (The Hague) which is the capital of the Netherlands. We arrived last night and are parked in a "camperplatz" about 10km to the south of the city. This meant we had to "get on our bikes and ride" this morning!
We must congratulate the Dutch on their excellent network of dedicated cycle routes complete with their own traffic lights and crossings. We rode all of the way into the capital city without having to meet or share our route with a single car.
Warming up with hot chocolate topped with cream & marshmallows after our cold, but fortunately dry, ride into the City.

The Passage, built in the 19th Century, is the only covered arcade remaining in the Netherlands.

Quirky shops in The Passage include a pen shop and a pipe shop.

Binnenhof, which is the government and parliament buildings, was originally a 13th Century hunting lodge.
The church inside Binnenhof.

Large drifts of daffodils decorate the verges.

Paleis Noordeinde is where the monarch has their official offices.

The Peace Palace built in 1939 is the location of the International Court of the United Nations.

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