Wednesday 8 April 2015

Amsterdam - Day Two

Another early start today cycling into the city after our trip across the harbour on the free ferry. This morning we're visiting the Van Gogh museum which charts the life of the famous Dutch artist. Despite arriving shortly after opening time, we still had to queue for over 1/2hr to get inside.
No pictures of the museum as a new entrance is in the process of construction so there's a lot of scaffolding and hoardings. 
Lunchtime today is a treat - our first and only meal out in this current tour. Some of the tables at Hard Rock Café are on a deck next to the canal. Despite the sunshine its still cold so we chose to eat inside.
Cheers!! - Our 21st Hard Rock visit

After lunch we decided to head into the centre of the city via the canal ring.
There are over 1400 bridges in Amsterdam - This is Magere Brug "the skinny bridge", which is the most well known.

A pretty shop.

Canalside selfie!

Waag - Amsterdam's only remaining medieval gatehouse.

The Red Light District - the "naughty ladies" were camera shy!

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