Wednesday 15 April 2015


We parked up last night in a dedicated MH parking place alongside the canal in the Friesland capital of Leeuwarden - an unprepossessing city but the overnight parking was free! This morning we took the "scenic route" along the coast to the bridge over the Lauwersmeer - a bit like driving on the Somerset levels! We then headed south to Groningen where we parked in a dedicated MH parking area outside a sports centre.
After lunch we got on our bikes and headed into Groningen.

A typical student city - the sun's out and nobody's doing any work!

Emma: "Fancy decoration of some sort".

After searching for ages we finally found the Prinsenhof gardens which the guide book raved over....

...apart from a rather nice sundial, the gardens were a bit disappointing.

Some old buildings in the city.

A fast-food dispenser - ideal when you get the munchies at 2am!  

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