Tuesday 7 April 2015

Amsterdam - Day One

We're up bright and early this morning to beat the crowds. We decided to cycle around the city rather than walk as things are quite a distance apart.
First stop today is the Rijksmuseum which contains a huge collection of Dutch art.

After about five hours, including a quick lunch break, we had seen enough so leaving our bikes parked at the museum we took a walk around the area.

Stork on a Stick!

The pretty City park of Vondelpark.

We cycled back via the canal ring which consists of three concentric canals which go around part of the city centre.

Amsterdam is a bit like Venice but on a much larger scale. 

Colourful barges moored in the canal.

A petite snackette - diamond shaped marshmallow dipped in chocolate.

Sign above the chemist.

Don't be a tourist, be a traveller!

Yes really - a shop full of plastic ducks!

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