Sunday 5 April 2015


Today we're visiting Keukenhof which is known as the most beautiful Spring garden in the world. It consists of a 79 acre wooded park complete with lakes, ponds, streams and canals. Set up in 1949, Keukenhof contains around 6 million bulbs.
Inside one of the greenhouses the tulips were blooming lovely!

Emma tries out macro mode on the camera. 

Smoked Eels anyone?

A traditional Dutch sailing barge.
Checking out the aerodynamics of the windmill - unlike most we've seen, this one was going round!

Emma spotted these raised herb beds - apparently that's how ours are going to be.

Keep off the grass.

We tried out the "selfie" garden!

Traditional Dutch dancers.

Masses of flowers overwhelm your senses!

One of the many ponds (and Emma).

Our first really sunny day - the wind is still cold but its great to see the sun at last.

The Japanese cherry trees are just starting to blossom.

Try riding an old bicycle with clogs on - impressive!
The Delft dolls.

Some random sculpture.

We particularly liked the woodland garden - it reminded us of home.

1 comment:

  1. Love the colours of the flowers, more ideas for your garden.
