Sunday 12 April 2015

Zuiderzee Open-Air Museum

This morning the weather has cleared up so we've come on our scooter to the Zuiderzee Open-Air Museum at Enkhuizen. It was a bit chilly riding but as a bonus we saved €5 on the car parking! 
The museum consists of lots of old buildings which have been relocated from around the area. These Lime Kilns have been beautifully rebuilt.

An original street scene from the 20th Century.

Inside one of the houses we met the "resident" who explained about the life of the people who originally lived in this house.

Emma woz 'ere

Fish drying ready for the smoker.

The inevitable windmill and canals which wind their way around the museum site.

A small lift-bridge over one of the canals.

Emma couldn't resist trying to milk the wooden goat.

The village scene complete with an original Dutch sailing barge.

The boat repair shop.

Another Dutch sailing barge in the restored harbour. 

The car park is a way from the town and you take a ferry to and from the museum. This view is looking back at the Lime Kilns as we are leaving.

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