Thursday 16 April 2015

Hortus Haren

Hortus Haren is a 50 acre site with large greenhouses and many different garden sections. In common with most things in the Netherlands, we found the signage somewhat lacking. However by following our nose (and the GPS) we managed to find it eventually. We tied our bikes up outside and went inside to explore.
The Chinese garden is based on a genuine 16th Century garden which Emma had actually visited in Suzhou.

The pagodas, ornate walling, pavilions and gardens were painstakingly created by Chinese craftsmen. 

Emma checks out the ornate pagoda. 

Dr Livingstone I presume! There are several large glasshouses on the site which contain a range of tropical plants. Apparently, due to the prohibitive cost of heating such large buildings, they have scaled down the displays in recent years. Still quite a good selection of planty things though.  

Part of the lake which spans the centre of the gardens.

In the Celtic garden we found our Birthdays. 

Part of the older, original, natural woodland, arboretum and moorland gardens.

Touched by angels....

Getting ideas for our water garden.

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