Sunday 14 November 2021

The Lizard

After a quiet night in our little lay-by, this morning we drove the short distance to the Lizard.

Walking boots on and packed lunch in our rucksacks we set out on one of our favourite walks. The route took us from the Lizard village down to the coast path. Turning left we followed the coast path past the most southerly point with its old lifeboat station and squat lighthouse. Continuing onwards we passed the Lloyds signal station and National Coast Watch lookout. Shortly before reaching Cadgwith we stopped for lunch with a fabulous view looking back the way we came.

After the Devils Frying Pan we cut inland across the width of the Lizard peninsula. The common land above Kynance was very wet and boggy but some careful footwork saw us safely through. The last part of the route is quite unique because it runs along the top of a Cornish hedge all of the way back to Lizard village. After walking just over 8 miles we’re both quite tired but we have to move on because overnight parking is not allowed here.

We drove to Falmouth where we’re parked up by the castle for the night.

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