Saturday 6 November 2021

Port Issac & Bedruthan Steps

After another quiet night in Tintagel we set off this morning to check out Port Issac.

Approaching the village we drove into the “main carpark” and were dismayed to find that it’s £12 for vehicles over 5m! Emma went to check on the parking machine and was discussing the price with a couple of other people, when a taxi cab drove up and told them there was a cheaper car park in the village. As if by magic the parking emptied!

We drove on down into the centre (slightly nervous as the roads round ‘ere is narrow) and found the other carpark. Here, out of season, it’s a more reasonable £1.20 for 2hrs. We found a place where we could overhang the grass which meant we fitted into the space - there was a Mercedes nearby which was hanging out several feet…

After coffee we went for a walk around this tiny but cute village. We walked down to the harbour past the pretty old houses which got closer together as we descended. Good job we hadn’t tried to drive through here - need to make sure we go out the way we came in! We wandered around and then made our way back up the narrow and steep streets to Kiki.

Moving on we skirted the Camel estuary at Wadebridge before picking up the coast road again to a small lay-by close to the Bedruthan Steps. After lunch we made our way down to the coast path which we followed to Park Head. Looking back from here we could see the offshore rock stacks that are known as the Bedruthan Steps after the legend of Bedruthan, a giant who used them as a shortcut across the bay.

We took a circular route back to Kiki and set off towards Newquay. We’re stopping for the night on a campsite a few miles outside of the town. Our satnav decided on the “scenic” route to the campsite and we approached along a single track road which was so narrow that we were brushing the hedges on both sides!

Arriving at Benn Park, a tiny CL which has spaces for 5 campers we emptied and filled our tanks before tucking into a nice spot. We’re plugged into mains power so we’re going to have a toasty warm night.

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