Friday 19 November 2021

Charleston and Fowey

We woke to an overcast grey morning which persisted all day. After breakfast we set off to St Austell where we parked in Lidl’s car park.

Before shopping we decided to walk down into Charleston - the car parks are really expensive and the walk did us good! This former china clay loading harbour is quite pretty in nice weather. Unfortunately, today with everything closed, it looked a bit sorry for itself.

We returned to Kiki for coffee and then Emma did our weekly shop whilst I hunted on Amazon for a new pair of walking shoes. I’m pleased to report that we were both successful in our respective quests.

Victualling complete we drove on to Fowey where we parked in a large car park on the outskirts of the village. We had lunch before wandering into this “gentrified” yachting town. Fowey, in common with many such towns, has most of its houses clustered along the banks of the estuary. This means that you get rare tantalising glimpses of the water rather than a full vista. It is said that the best view is from the water - something I have yet to experience!

The best view in Fowey is of Polruan on the opposite bank of the river.

We returned to Kiki and headed to Looe. We were lucky to follow a couple of workers vans along the narrow winding road out of Fowey which meant that all oncoming traffic stopped for us. On a particularly narrow section we caught up with a big lorry which, once the oncoming traffic had reversed, cleared the way for us - you wouldn’t think this was an A road!

Arriving at the campsite we checked in and parked up on a nice level spot. We are on a grass pitch so we’re hoping our wheels don’t sink in too much otherwise we’ll have fun getting out when we leave on Sunday morning.

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