Saturday 20 November 2021

Hiking the Looe River and Coast Path

Today we’re doing a circular hike from our campsite. We chose this place because it’s not only cheap (£15 with our ACSI card!) but also the footpath goes right through the camping field.

It’s a cool but clear morning - perfect weather for a hike. After breakfast we kitted up, donned our walking boots and rucksacks with our packed lunches and set out. The route heads inland on a narrow lane which, after a mile or so, drops down to the West Looe river at Kilminorth woods. Here we stopped for a snack listening to the water and watching the birds. I’m fairly sure I spotted a kingfisher but he was too fast to be certain!

Following the river downstream through a really pretty valley of colourful beech trees we made our way to Looe. The tide was out so part of the route was along the river estuary. We didn’t stop in Looe because we’ve decided to stay another night so that we can explore here properly tomorrow.

Looking back towards Looe

Just after the harbour we stopped for lunch before picking up the coast path towards Talland. The first part is reasonably level, but then there are several steep upy-downy bits which are hard going.

After a few miles of enjoying fabulous far reaching views to Rame head and beyond we reached Talland. Here the route turns inland back to the campsite. This last mile is tough as it’s a 150m steep climb - boy were we glad to see Kiki!

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