Wednesday 10 November 2021

The Hard Route to St Ives

After spending yesterday catching up with friends we had another peaceful night at Pioneer Billy’s campsite. We woke up this morning to Cornish mist which was obscuring most of the engine houses that are surrounding us.

After emptying and filling our tanks we drove to Home Bargains in Hayle for a couple of items we couldn’t get the other day in Lidl. We had coffee before continuing onwards to a small NT carpark a couple of miles out of St Ives on the road to Zennor. We had an early lunch and set out down to and along the coast path.

This is quite a strenuous walk - about 5 miles climbing up and down as the coast path worked its way to St Ives.

Shortly before reaching our destination we lost the coast path and ended up higher up a hill. We found a path that led downhill which seemed ok until we came to a large thorn bush. We had to crawl through the bush, clamber over a hidden wall before eventually making it back to the coast path.

Finally reaching St Ives, we wandered along the harbour side before cutting back inland and following the road up out of the town. We made it back to Kiki after walking a total of 8.5 miles.

Despite being tired we had to move on because the NT meanies don’t allow overnight parking in their car parks. About a mile further along the road we found a small lay-by to park for the night. The road is very quiet and the view in the morning will be great, the only disadvantage is that there is no phone signal here.

We had our evening meal before settling down for the night with a good book..

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