Tuesday 16 November 2021

Mylor and Truro

We had another peaceful night in the castle car park and after breakfast made an early start.

We drove towards Mylor Churchtown, intending to park in a lay-by near to the church. As we approached Flushing we found a perfect spot which meant we could avoid the narrow roads.

We donned our walking boots and set out along the road the Mylor Yacht Harbour. Here we picked up the coast path which we followed around the headland back to Flushing. This is one of my favourite short hikes as the views across Carrick Roads are fabulous.

Returning to Kiki we had coffee before driving to Truro. We parked on the opposite side of the river in a large car park and walked into the city. We had a look in the rather plain looking cathedral and wandered around the shops.

After lunch back in Kiki we drove to a campsite near to Portscatho where we’re staying for a couple of nights. We did some laundry whilst watching a beautiful sunset over the sea.

After our evening meal we settled down for the night.

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