Monday 22 November 2021

Golitha Falls and the Hurlers

Another sunny but cold morning greeted us as we opened our window blinds to start our day. Before hitting the road we needed a tow to get us off the grass pitch. 

Fortunately the campsite maintenance man has a 4x4 which easily pulled us onto the tarmac driveway.

First stop today was Morrisons in Liskeard for a couple of items we couldn’t get in Lidl. After coffee we set out to the Golitha falls on the edge of Bodmin moor.

We parked in the small carpark and wandered along the river taking photos of the scenic waterfalls. We were on the lookout for salmon which apparently come upriver in the winter to spawn. Unfortunately the salmon were not cooperating today.

After lunch back in Kiki we drove to Minions where we parked and walked to the Hurlers Stone Circles.

These three early Bronze Age stone circles are unique because they are arranged in a line. According to legend these are the remains of men who were petrified for playing hurling on a Sunday.

Returning to Kiki we drove through the village and a little way up onto the moor. Here we’re staying for a couple of nights on a campsite with a fabulous view towards Dartmoor.

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