Monday 15 November 2021

Falmouth for Pasties

After a peaceful night parked up by the castle in Falmouth we woke to an overcast morning. We had breakfast before going for a short walk around the castle. There’s not much to see because it’s completely surrounded by a high defensive bank and a deep ditch. Next to the castle we spotted a WWII gun emplacement and were surprised to see that the original guns were still in place! 

Returning to Kiki we drove round the corner to the road above Castle beach as we thought it was cheeky to stay in the small castle parking area during the day. From here we walked into Falmouth and mooched around the town.

We had coffee and Emma tried out Costa’s Chocolate Orange hot chocolate declaring it tasty but not as good as the After Eight Mint one she had the other day.

Success was to be had when Emma found a pair of jeans she liked (and fitted) in New Look!

After a pasty for lunch with a fabulous view across the harbour we wandered back to Kiki.

This afternoon we walked along the coast path to Swanpool and back. Despite what seemed to be a lazy day we discovered that we had walked over 6 miles today!

As places to stay are somewhat limited around here we returned to the castle car park for the night.

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