Sunday 21 November 2021

A Day in Looe

We woke this morning to a beautiful clear day. The sun is shining but there’s a cold northerly wind.

After breakfast we walked the couple of miles down into West Looe, crossed the river into East Looe and went in search of a coffee shop. We had seen (and heard!) one yesterday when we walked past on the other side of the river - there was a lady singing Christmas carols (bah humbug) from the doorway!

We found the cafe but it was heaving (no singing today) so we went into one nearby. Sitting in the sun outside with our coffee (hot chocolate for Emma) was very pleasant.

After coffee we mooched around the town for a while checking out the quaint old shops. We were surprised at how big it was - much bigger than West Looe. In a small gift shop we found a Cornwall fridge magnet to join Kiki’s rather impressive collection.

After walking out along the harbour wall and along the path above the beach we had built up an appetite. A large portion of chips - eaten out of the paper - stayed our hunger.

At low tide the boats sit on the mud

Crossing back over the river we spent a while walking around West Looe. By this time the sun was starting to drop below the top of the valley and the cold wind had picked up so we decided to return to Kiki. Taking the main road we avoided the very steep climb back up the way we had come - instead we had a longer, slow climb. Finally, back at the campsite we discovered that we had walked over 6 miles on our “lazy day”!

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