Friday 26 July 2013


After spending most of yesterday driving we finally arrived at the Official MH parking to find a scruffy car park with a couple of abandoned vans - strangely for a big city there were no other MH's.... Undeterred we popped into the local supermarket for some fresh fruit & salad at eye-watering prices, had our evening meal and settled down for the night. By 9pm nobody else had arrived and we'd seem some MH's driving past so Em looked on the City's website and discovered the official MH parking had been moved closer to the centre!

We plugged the new co-ordinates into Jane (the sat-nav) and proceeded to drive across the city, via bus/taxi lanes and other strange routes (there were roadworks everywhere because they're installing a tram system) until we arrived at the other car park. Here there were about a dozen other MH's - much happier we settled down for a good nights sleep.

This morning we're exploring Trondheim - this is the cathedral which contains the body of Saint Olav who was king of Norway in the 900's and brought Christianity to the country.

The patron saint of travellers has a wreath with a black band as a mark of respect for the victims of the Spanish train incident.

Bryggen, the old town

More waterside warehouses similar to those we saw in Bergen

Today Emma is modelling a very expensive dress by Crew Clothing (last seen when we left our wedding reception).

The old bridge across the river

Bakklandet - more buildings in the old part of town 


Another view of the dress and some very shiny shoes!

Apparently Emma has a house!
This old lady used to walk around town smiling at everyone so when she died they created a statue of her.

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