Wednesday 3 July 2013


We arrived at the aire in Gothenburg around 9:30am, unloaded our bikes and headed into the city. Cycling into Gothenburg was easy with wide cycle paths which even had their own traffic lights! we abandoned the bikes by the railway station and continued a pied.

From this point onwards Emma will be referred to as "O Wise One" (the sign says "Wisdom is given to those who sit on this stone")

Poseidon (apparently he has a nice bum!) has become the symbol of Gothenburg.

The fish market - the local "wits" refer to it as the "fish church"

The locally known "lipstick" tower and the Barken Viking - built in 1906 and one of the few remaining four masted ships.


Sweden's Peace Symbol

Having spent all day in Gothenburg there was still no sign of Batman so we headed to Hard Rock for a couple of burgers.


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