Tuesday 9 July 2013

Sjolyst Marina, Oslo

We're now parked in the official MH aire on the outskirts of Oslo - we arrived here this afternoon after driving through a 6km tunnel which seems to go completely underneath the city!

We couldn't avoid the congestion charge as we approached Oslo and our "box" on the windscreen beeped as we passed the pay point so now we know it works - fortunately we were charged the car rate so it was only a couple of pounds.

Can you spot Kiki - just a few MH's parked here!
This aire is part of the massive Sjolyst marina and is ideal for visiting Oslo. There's a level 6km cycle path along the fjord all the way to the city.

Our view from Kiki - the marina to the right of this picture contains hundreds of boats and makes entertaining viewing in the evenings.

1 comment:

  1. You will have to tie a ribbon to Kiki to make sure you find her!
