Saturday 20 July 2013

Our First Glacier

As we were driving along I spotted what looked like a glacier off to our right so we decided to deviate from our planned route and head that way.

Between two tunnels we found an ideal parking place for the night. I'm looking up at the glacier and contemplating a climb to get a better view. Behind me is a raging river of glacier melt water - we slept well despite the river roaring away all night. Apparently they don't turn it off when the tourists go back to their hotels for the night!

You can just make out the edge of the Jostedalsbreen glacier.

We walked uphill for about an hour and then the track turned into a near vertical climb so we decided we'd gone far enough for today.

We got a better view of the glacier from where we abandoned our climb
Looking back down the valley - still light and it's after 10pm!

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