Thursday 13 May 2021

We’ve Arrived in Brittany!

We woke this morning to heavy rain showers but the forecast is for better weather later. We emptied and filled our tanks before leaving. We were surprised to find that water was free (perhaps the payment machine is faulty) which meant we can change our plans as we won’t need to stay on a paid Aire tonight - bonus!

We’re heading north to the Gulf du Morbihan, this “little sea” is a popular sailing area which contains hundreds of small islands. A 50km drive with a stop for fuel at a Carrefour where we discovered free WiFi (much to Emma’s delight) and we came to the Chateau de Suscinio. This pretty chateau, which is completely surrounded by a moat, was home to the exiled Henry Tudor.

Just a few km further on we came to the outskirts of the small seaside town of Crouesty where, according to our favourite park4night app, there is a free car park where motorhomes are allowed to stay. Sure enough, tucked in beside a disused disco we found the parking and a handful of MH’s. We parked up and had lunch before settling out to explore.

We headed to the beach and followed the coast path along to the headland which forms the mouth of the gulf. Here, on top of the hill is the Cairn de Petit Mont - a huge stepped tomb. This impressive megalithic site is over 6000 years old. It was built to house burial chambers in the Neolithic age and later used - with the addition of the ubiquitous concrete - by the German army in WW2.

We continued around the headland until we came to the harbour. Here there is a huge marina which contains hundreds of boats. We walked around the harbour and then continued north through the town and out the other side. Here we found the small Grah-Niol gallery grave which is a tumulus built around 5000 BC.

Continuing onwards we skirted the coast with some lovely views across the gulf before turning back towards Kiki. Our final stop was the huge mound of the Tamiac tumulus. We climbed up to the top from where we could see Kiki only a field away. Back at Kiki we discovered we had walked over 10km!

We had our evening meal before settling down for the evening.

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