Sunday 16 May 2021

Dolmens around Carnac

Today is the end of the French holidays which means it’ll be busy on the roads. Therefore we decided to stay an extra night here at Carnac and do some walking around the area.

After breakfast we set out northwards towards the Dolmen de Mane-Kerioned. We were following a walking route on Google Maps which started out on some small roads before heading down a track. The route then became a footpath across a wet field, next came a very muddy track which had been churned up by bikes and horses. Emma, up to her knees in mud, soon realised that her trainers weren’t the best choice of footwear!

Fortunately, we soon emerged onto a road which took us to the dolmen. This impressive Megalithic structure includes three separate grave sites, the best one of which was underground and reached via a flight of steps. It was at least 4m long and tall enough to stand up inside! A short distance away, in the middle of a field we came to another smaller dolmen.

We then headed east to find another dolmen and make a triangular route. Unfortunately, I got the wrong one which turned out to be on private land. By this time we were getting tired so we made our way back to Kiki.

After lunch we waited for a heavy shower to pass before settling out again towards Carnac Plage. We walked through the village of Carnac and onwards to the beach. Here we watched a couple of kite surfers enjoying the strong wind. The sky became dark and ominous so we quickly took shelter whilst a heavy shower came over completely blocking out the beach. After the shower we returned to Kiki and had ice cream to recuperate as we have walked over 15km today.

Phone calls to family, with dinner sandwiched in between, passed the evening before we settled down for the night.

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