Monday 10 May 2021

Water, water everywhere....

The “promised” thunderstorm didn’t materialise last night. We woke this morning to light drizzle which cleared as we ate breakfast to leave bright sunshine.

We decided to take a short 5km stroll around the smaller half of the lake before heading off this morning. The first part of the walk was very pretty with the sun reflecting off the water through the trees along the lakeside. We soon came to the bridge which would take us back along the other side of the lake - unfortunately it was closed so we continued onwards to find another crossing place. We reached the end of the lake and followed a boardwalk across a marshy area to the other side. At this point we realised that there was no way along the lakeside which meant we had to head away from the lake and loop back round. We tried one road but after about 500m hit a dead end. The next road we came to was blocked for the same reason as the bridge - apparently they were tree felling and clearing the track - this meant we had to carry on. The road route turned out to be very long and we finally made it back to Kiki after having walked over 10km - the shorter route turned out to be longer than the long route!

After a late coffee (and chocolate for sustenance) we drove across the causeway to a public loo we had spotted which had a convenient tap outside. We filled our water tank and then hit the road towards the Chateau de Commequiers which is where we were heading yesterday. We parked by the graveyard (it was a nice big space) and walked to the chateau. This pretty ruin sits on a tiny island surrounded by water.

We returned to Kiki for lunch before heading north to a free Aire de Camping Car situated next to a water sports lake. We were planning to spend the night there but we spotted a pay machine and discovered that it wasn’t actually free! After reporting the error to park4night we carried on to the next destination which is a large carpark outside a heritage museum. Here we are spending the night in the middle of marshland surrounded by lots of birds.

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