Tuesday 25 May 2021

The Pink Granite Coast

Today we’re heading eastward as we explore the Pink Granite Coast. We were up and on the road before 8am because we’re due to be kicked out of the parking area at 8:30. Before leaving we did empty our tanks (cos them’s the rules!).

We headed to Lannion which is where the best of the pink granite begins and then hugged the coast eastward to Tregastel. The road was very scenic as it mainly followed the coast and circumnavigated a couple of estuaries. We stopped briefly for coffee with a great view over a sandy, bolder strewn foreshore - the sea certainly goes out a long way here!

Arriving in Tregastel we parked up and had lunch before heading out for a walk around the Ile Renote. The tide was about half a mile out so we were able to walk to the outlying granite boulders. I checked our location on Google maps and saw that we were a long way offshore! We made our way to the end of the island and then followed the coast path back to Kiki. En-route we passed through an area with huge bolders - the path wound its way through some narrow gaps, rock bridges and alleyways.

Moving on to the north east we came to the Gouffre de Plougrescant which is the most northerly point in Brittany. The Gouffre, also known as Hell’s Bay chasm is a deep gash in the rocks. On stormy days the noise made by the wind and waves crashing through this chasm is said to be quite frightening. 

Another quirky feature is a stone cottage which was built in the gap between two huge granite boulders. We have noticed several houses over the past few days that are hunkered down behind a rock for shelter.

The parking here is daytime only so we headed inland to Plouec-du-Trieux where there is free MH parking next to the salle du fete. As we drove the rain, which fortunately held off all day, began to fall. We filled our water tank so that Emma can wash some socks - such exciting lives we lead - before tucking Kiki into a corner of the car park. We had our evening meal and settled down for the night.

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