Thursday 27 May 2021

GR34: Cap Frehel to Forte la Latte

Today we’re walking part of the GR34 which is the Brittany coastal path. Although we’re only driving about 4km to a carpark near to Forte la Latte we still emptied our tanks before leaving the Aire de Camping Car. We parked Kiki next to several other motorhomes and Emma made us a packed lunch before we set out on our hike.

This is a circular walk and the first section is inland across the peninsula through moorland. After winding our way along several footpaths and tracks the final stretch is straight line to the coast.

We were walking along a minor road heading to the coast when we passed three ladies walking opposite direction. They asked if we were walking the GR34 and which way was it to the coast. I pointed ahead but then decided to show them the route map on my phone. To my surprise, and to their amusement, I discovered we were heading the wrong way - we had missed the right turn and I hadn’t bothered to check! We retraced our footsteps with the ladies following until we came to the - rather obvious - track to the coast.

As we picked up the coast path we stopped for coffee chocolate before continuing onwards towards the lighthouse. There were fabulous views of this rocky headland and way out on the horizon we could just make out the Channel Islands. After a week of inclement weather it was great to be out in the sunshine again. We stopped for lunch watching boats passing by and hoping the gulls kept their distance.

Nearing the end of our hike we came to Forte la Latte which is perched on the end of a rocky outcrop. We returned to Kiki and drove back to the Aire de Camping Car which we stopped at last night. Today we have driven about 8km and walked over 12km!

We sat outside and read for a while before having our evening meal and settling down for the night.

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