Monday 17 May 2021

Dodging the Showers

We didn’t wake up until 8am today which is late for us! Probably as a result of all the exercise and fresh air we’ve had over the last couple of days.

A few km away, in the middle of the town of Carnac is a flot-bleu. Here for the princely sum of €2 we emptied and filled our tanks.

First stop today was the small group of alignments of Kerzerho. We wandered around and took a few photos before returning to Kiki for coffee.

We drove about 20km, in heavy showers until we came to a large parking area close to the Ile de St Cado. This tiny island, which is reached by a causeway is set in the estuary of the riviere d’Etel.

Fortunately we had a break in the showers so we set out walking along the river towards the island. The fabulous scenery and the white cottages with slate roofs reminded of some of the tiny creekside villages in Cornwall. We crossed the causeway and followed a track which circumnavigated the island. The views across the river were great and made me yearn to get in a boat and explore further.

We returned to Kiki for lunch before hitting the road again. Another 50km or so brought us to Quimperle where we parked in the tiny Aire de Camping Car. We tucked in the corner, making sure we would be able to get out again in the morning, and set out to explore this small riverside town.

There are some quaint old buildings clustered along the river, next to the old bridge which was the original crossing point. We followed the river through the town before doubling back on the other side. Here we climbed up, following the original road to the old church and town square. We followed another old, cobblestone road down to the river en route back to Kiki.

We had our evening meal before settling down for the night.

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