Wednesday 26 May 2021

A Drive through the Breton Countryside

We woke this morning to persistent rain which is forecast to be with us until this afternoon. It won’t be a problem because we’re driving east today so most of the morning will be spent on the road.

We emptied and filled our tanks before leaving. Emma “volunteered” to stand outside and fill the water as her hair was still wet from the shower.

We drove about 90km through farmland and several small pretty villages. We’re noticing the local vernacular is changing from granite to a much darker stone which is more like slate. We stopped for coffee en-route and arrived at Plevenon in time for lunch.

We’re staying tonight in the Aire de Camping Car which is just on the edge of the village.

After lunch, the rain had stopped so we went for a walk down to the beach of Les Grèves d'en Bas. We walked along the beach where once again the tide was a long way out. The rocks, which at high tide would be under water, were covered in mussels and we saw lots of locals digging in the sand and collecting them.

We walked for a while before taking the coast path back. En-route we passed through a campsite which was very spread out and seemed to go on for miles - it reminded us of some of the huge American RV parks we’ve stayed on. I later discovered that the campsite had 900 places!

We returned to Kiki by a footpath across moorland which reminded us of the Lizard.

After our evening meal we settled down for the night.

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