Monday 30 March 2015


After a bumpy night - remember that bit about Kiki and the North Sea! - we headed into Rotterdam on the local train.
We think this is a car park!

Apparently this is "Constructivist" art - it'll be nice when it its finished.

The library with the aptly named "pencil" building to the side. 

The very cool marketplace - it looks hollow from the distance.

Someone was fascinated by the flowers in the rotating doors

Some of the beautiful stalls inside the market - we ate lunch from the free samples!


Cube shaped apartments designed by P. Blom
 The "white house" - one of the few buildings to survive the bombing of Rotterdam in WWII

Old Dutch barges


The 185m high Euromast

Delfshaven has many original buildings. The Dutch Pilgrim Fathers left from here for America in 1620.

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