Sunday 29 March 2015


We had heavy rain again this morning so we had a late start whilst I updated the blog - at last I hear you say!
After lunch we headed north out of Zeeland and into South Holland. Our destination was the old fortified town of Brielle. Upon arrival we discovered that the car park had height restrictions which mean we couldn't get in. Fortunately, we had spotted a car-sharing car park a short distance from the town. As it's Sunday, it was empty so we parked there and walked the 1.5km or so into Brielle.
The original fortifications surrounding the town are still intact as can be seen in this aerial view.
After our walk in torrential rain we arrived to find one of the locals looking hopefully at the sky - we keep getting told "it was nice last week"..!!

The old harbour

The rain stopped and Emma's jeans are starting to dry out!
Some of the original fortifications.