Saturday 23 October 2021

Shrewsbury & Ironbridge

We had a good sleep last night after our hearty meal and woke up to a lovely sunny morning.

Today we’re heading to Shrewsbury which is another border town that is virtually encircled by the river Severn. We found a parking spot by the river and had coffee before following the towpath towards the town. This town isn’t as pretty as Chester but we did manage to find a number of old buildings in between the newer ones.

We wandered around and eventually came to St Chad’s church. Here in the graveyard is a simple stone marking the grave of Ebenezer Scrooge - it is in fact a movie prop which was left behind from the filming of A Christmas Carol!

The church itself is quite unique in that it is of circular construction. The interior, with its large round balcony is rather like a theatre.

Leaving the church we walked down to the river through Quarry Park. We followed the river as it circled around the town back to Kiki.

After lunch we drove on to Ironbridge where we are parked by the Bedlam Kilns. We wandered into the village and took some pictures of the bridge.  This cast iron bridge, completed in 1779 was the world’s first cast iron bridge.

Returning to Kiki we had our evening meal before settling down for the night.

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