Sunday 17 October 2021

Derwent Dam and Snake Pass

We woke this morning to mist and rain - the Tors we climbed yesterday are invisible! After breakfast drove the short distance to a parking area on the northern arm of Ladybower reservoir.

After coffee, the rain has stopped so we put on our walking boots and headed to Derwent Dam which is at the head of Ladybower reservoir. This dam, which was completed in 1916, was made famous by the “Dambusters” because it was used as a practice area for the WWII attacks on the Rhine dams.

We walked up to the dam and then climbed up the side to the Derwent reservoir. We followed a path alongside the reservoir for a while and took some atmospheric photos of the dam.

Returning to Kiki we had lunch before settling out to drive over Snake Pass and down to the eastern side of Manchester. Here we are staying for a few days on a farm whilst we visit the city.

We went for a walk to find the railway station before having our evening meal and settling down for the night.

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