Saturday 16 October 2021

Mam Tor, Great Ridge and Castleton

We had a toasty night with our little electric heater keeping us warm. After long hot showers and Emma able to properly dry her hair we emptied and filled our tanks before hitting the road.

Our destination today is Castleton where we parked for free just outside of the town on Old Mam Tor road. After coffee we saddled up for a 7 mile hike. 

Our route followed the road for a while as it climbed up the valley below Mam Tor. The road itself is disused and it’s easy to see why - massive areas have fallen away over the years due to landslides. In places the tarmac ends like some Spanish roads!

The climb up to the top of Mam Tor (at 517m) was incredibly busy - there were literally hundreds of people climbing up and down the path! The top was crowded so we carried on along the Great Ridge towards Back Tor. Here it was slightly less busy but there were still a lot of people out walking.

We stopped for lunch behind a low wall because the wind blowing up and over the ridge was a bit chilly.

Looking back towards Mam Tor

After lunch we climbed Loose Hill before turning and working our way through the fields down to Castleton. We wandered through the town which seemed to have dozens of shops selling “jewellery” made from the local Blue John stone before heading back to Kiki.

We had our evening meal before settling down for the night.

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