Monday 18 October 2021

A Rainy Day in Manchester

We had a good sleep last night despite the close proximity of the busy A57 dual carriageway and being under the Manchester airport flight path!

After breakfast we walked to Hattersley station and took the train into Manchester Piccadilly.

Emma’s “free tour” started well with a visit to the Portico library. This private library which contains over 25,000 old books was built in 1802 in the Greek Revival style.

The circular dome ceiling was most impressive

Next stop was Costa for coffee before heading to the canal basin to check out some old stuff. Unfortunately the light rain had by now turned heavy which meant we got rather moist. We were surprised to see so many canals in, around and even under the city centre.

Lunchtime saw us in Hard Rock

Suitability fortified and pleased that the rain had stopped we wandered around the city visiting the cathedral, Alan Turnin’s statue and the Shambles.

Rather tired after walking over 10 miles we took the train back to Kiki where we rested our weary feet before hitting the hay.

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