Friday 5 November 2010

Waterfalls and an English Garden

An English Rose poses by the 70m fountain at the top of the garden.

More Greek stuff...

A surprise in Italy - the Palace gardens also contain an English garden which was designed by some British bloke

After leaving Caserta we drove South to an overnight stop we found in out Camperstop book - unfortunately for the forth time in a row we were disappointed and found nothing there so we decided to continue driving South. After a while the sun was going down and we hadn't found anywhere suitable (to be honest it's a bit of a dump around here!) so we decided to push on to a campsite at Pompeii.

Approaching Pompeii was manic as it was rush hour and there were crazy drivers everywhere.... we did however contribute to the mayhem because 500m from the campsite we came across a railway bridge which was about 3m high.... Kiki is 2.92m tall... we crept forward very slowly with the Italians encouraging (!) us with much horn blowing and arm waving. With inches to spare (and our bedroom still attached) we made it through, quickly got off the road and tucked ourselves into the calm tranquility of the campsite. Stiff drinks all round tonight!!

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