Wednesday 17 November 2010


We are currently staying on a campsite close to Manfredonia. On Sunday we drove from Paestum on the West coast to an Ariee di Sosta in Troia which is about 3/4 of the way across the country. The Sosta was free and had even had free electricity so we decided to stay two nights despite the fact that there's nothing in Troia - I walked the length of the town in 10mins!

After Troia we drove towards the Gargano penninsula (which is the "Spur of Italy" on the east coast) and stopped at a supermarket on the outskirts of Manfredonia to stock up with essentials such as beer, cheese, pizza, wine etc...

When we came out we saw that another English motorhome had parked alongside. We got chatting with the owners (Robin & Gill), swapped some books and stories. It was raining and we suddenly realised it was getting dark and we hadn't decided where we were going to stay for the night. Robin said they we heading for a campsite a few miles away so we decided to do the same.

We had such a great evening eating, drinking and swapping tales with our new found friends that we decided to stop a second night (and do two loads of washing at the same time).

Kiki and her new friend on the campsite in Manfredonia.

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