Friday 12 November 2010

The Sorrento Penninsula

Today we left our campsite at Pompei and drove south towards Sorrento. We didn't actually go into the city but took a road across the Sorrento penninsula towards the Amalfi coast. We were heading for a parking place that had been recommended to us by a guy who lives locally. Unfortunately when we arrived we found it to be too close to a busy road so we went for option two which was a campsite he also recommended.

The campsite was called Agricampeggio Oasi Verde and was only a few kilometers away however we didn't have an accurate location. We drove along the road towards the campsite and spotted a sign off to the left. We turned left and followed a narrow road uphill and round a few bends. Suddenly the road got a lot steeper and Kiki struggled to get up - we were stuck halfway up a hill :-( A local chap stopped and we explained where we were going and he said we'd gone the wrong way!! He helped us to reverse back down the hill and watched whilst we turned round in the narrow road. He then said follow me and took us back down the the main road where we saw that the sign was in fact pointing to an entirely different Agri.... something or other. It turned out we were about 1km from the proper place and he drove all the way there with us following and made sure that it was correct before returning the way he had came. The locals around here are very friendly and helpful.

Anyway we had arrived at Agricampeggio Oasi Verde but the adventure was only just beginning because the way to their camping area was down a steep and narrow track. When we got down it took two of them to help us to manouver into one of the camping places. Once we were settled they scurried around tidying things up. A lady came down and cleaned the toilets and showers and then spent ages sweeping all the leaves up.

It was a lovely quiet place to stay in preparation for exploring the Amalfi coast on our scooter tomorrow.

A few pics taken on our drive from Pompei to Sorrento

Sorrento on the Northern side of the penninsula.

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