Saturday 27 November 2010


We are now driving from the east to west coasts to explore the regions Leguria and Piedmont before heading north to Switzerland.

Yesterday we drove 160 miles and stayed overnight in Pistoia - it was very cold and we woke to find a layer of frost on Kiki.

Today we drove through the mountainous Garfagnana and Parco Naturale delle Alpi Apuane.

As we left Pistoia and started to climb into the mountains we saw that the cars coming the other way had several inches of snow on their roofs! We soon found out why - the rain we had been having had fallen as snow on the higher ground.

Kiki pauses for breath on a very snowy mountain road

An alpine village - snow covered roofs everywhere

Fortunately for us the snowploughs had been out and the temperature was just above freezing which meant we didn't need our snowchains - a good thing too as we don't have any!

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