Sunday 7 November 2010


Today we visited Napoli (Naples). We took the train from Pompei into the city centre and walked to the museum. After the museum Em wanted to see the "lovely Bay of Naples" as our guide book described it but all we could see were sprawling ferry terminals... We gave up and took the train back to Pompei. We both agreed that Napoli has absolutely nothing going for it. The city is dirty, full of street people, beggars and Africans selling fake handbags/belts/hats etc - what a dump - our advice would be to give it a miss!!

We visited the National Museum of Archeology which at €8 each was one of the more expensive we've been to. This was rather a let down as well because it had quite a small collection (in the rooms that we saw) and two of the more interesting rooms were closed......

Hercules (in the museum) taking a rest from lifting heavy stuff.

One of the many piles of rubbish - this was small compared with some we saw sprawled across the side streets.

The ONLY thing Napoli has going for it..... public benches - they are quite a rarity in Italian cities!

This is the middle of the city

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