Sunday 31 October 2010

The Vatican Museums

Today is our last day in Rome and we decided to visit the Vatican museums, entry to which is normally €15 each but on the last Sunday of each month it is free!!

We took the early bus (8am) from the site and arrived just after 9am to find an enormous queue stretching all the way from the museum entrance along three roads to Piazza San Pietro - over a kilometer long...

We waited in the rain in the slow moving queue for three hours!!! and eventually made it to the museums.  

We arrived at 12am after queuing for 3 hours :-(

The Map room - this was one of the longest ceilings we've ever seen - it must have been over 100m long and it was covered in fresco's
We followed the heaving crowds through the museums until we finally made it to the Sistine Chapel, the ceiling of which is rather impressive but as its not very well lit and is quite high tends to be a little difficult to see. No photo's are allowed in here - mind you that didn't seem to deter a lot of people...

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