Monday 25 October 2010

First Impressions of Roma

Today we took the free minibus from our campsite to the railway station at Prima Porta on the outskirts of Rome. The area looked decidedly dodgy and the station itself looked like it was due to be demolished. We bought 7 day tickets and waited on the platform for the train. This dirty looking old thing covered in graffitti arrived - it turned out to be our train!! Inside wasn't much better, the floors were dirty and the whole thing could do with a good clean (or perhaps scrapping). Thirty minutes later we arrived at Flaminio and existed the station into another dodgy looking area with lots of African guys selling fake Gucci handbags and other miscellaneous tat.

We walked to the short distance to the underground and decended into the bowels of the earth. This was much nicer than the "train" - actually it was cleaner, with better trains than the London underground! We took the Red line to the main train station and then got on the Blue line to the Colosseum.

We surfaced from the underground right next to the Colosseum. It was a bit overcast and damp today so we decided to wait for a nicer day before going into the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. Instead we spent the day wandering around getting our bearings and were surprised to find that Rome is actually quite small.

Monumento a Vittorio Emannuel II

The Trevi Fountain

Em throwing coins into the fountain.....

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