Saturday 23 October 2010

The Necropoli at Cerveteri

Today we visited the Necropoli at Cerveteri - this is a Eutruscan city of the dead. We parked Kiki in the carpark and walked around the site which is on top of a hill. We looked into the various buildings - some of which needed a torch. We were surprised to find that there was no charge but disappointed that they were quite overgrown and in need of a bit of TLC. A few of them, probably the better preserved one's were unfortunately locked so we couldn't see them.

After about 1/2 mile we approached what appeared to be the end only to find the entrance to the "paid" part which, looking through the fence seemed to be the same thing but with the grass cut. Unsurprisingly we decided to give this a miss and we'd already seen most of it!

Cave woman - seen here sporting Levi's and a Craghopper fleece ;-)

Steve with the wind up torch - how much longer do I need to turn this handle?

One of the Tombs - they are all round with grassy tops

Steve (aka Tomb Raider) finds the door locked.... doh!

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