Tuesday 26 October 2010

Roma - The Ancient Centre

Today started off wet so we decided to visit the museums on Capitoline hill. We took the scary train (actually it wasn't so bad today as this one wasn't covered in graffitti) and the metro into the city and then walked towards the museums. We passed Trajan's Column on the way and as we walked the rain stopped and the sun came out. We climbed up the Monumento a Vittorio Emannuel II which was free to enter (!) and had great views over the Roman Forum and the city from its terraces. We decided to eat lunch before we went into the museums so we stopped on Capitoline hill for a while. After lunch, which we ate in the sun, we changed our plans and went to the Roman Forum and Palatino instead of the museums - we'll save them for another (perhaps rainy) day.

Trajan's Column.

Detail of the column depicting scenes from the Dacian campaigns.

Romulus and Remus with the wolf that raised them - Romulus killed Remus and went on to found Rome on Palatine Hill.

Em & Steve with the triumphal arch of Septimius Severus and the Roman Forum in the background.

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