Wednesday 20 October 2010

Two Foxy Ladies

During the afternoon the wind picked up on the beach so we moved back into the sand dunes. We spent a few hours here, had lunch and then read our books (Em was reading "The Beach" on the beach).

Suddenly Em looked up and said "there's a fox" - sure enough there was and it wasn't bothered by us at all, quite happy to pose for pictures.

After leaving the beach we cycled back along the cycle route and at a gate where you have to get off your bikes there was another fox waiting to ambush us! I took my rucksack off to get the camera out and he came over and demanded food, money and the clothes off our backs - only kidding, but it was obvious what he wanted ;-)

She (or he) was really unafraid - probably because he lives on a protected nature resurve.

Ok, ok just one more photo - this is my best side......

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