Saturday 25 June 2011

Fitzroy Island

After five days (three days driving and two days resting) and over 2,500 km we finally arrived in Cairns on Thursday 23rd June. We spent our first night in a cabin and then last night on a campsite.

This morning we got up at 05:30 to enable us to get the 07:30 boat to Fitzroy Island. We're staying on the island for five nights - the first four nights on the campsite and the last night in the five-star hotel.

Sunkist - our transport to the island. A wet and wild ride!

Tropical Paradise - sandy beaches and a coral reef that's less than a metre below the surface at low tide.

We spent hours in and under the water and saw loads of tropical fish, coral and two big blue starfishes. The highlight for us was swimming with a turtle who wasn't at all bothered by our presence.

Em did an introduction to Scuba session in the pool but was unable to equalise her ears on the dive so she unfortunately couldn't dive in the ocean. I went out with the instructor but unfortunately the visibility was very poor so it was difficult to see much. We did however see several lionfish and some sea anemones that changed colour when you touched them!

The interior of the island was a tropical rainforest and there were several walks through it.

Deep in the rainforest the sounds of birds were incredible.

Exploring the bolders at each end of the main beach.

Sunset over mainland Australia

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