Thursday 31 March 2011


Em's parents arrived yesterday and we met them at Gibraltar airport - the road into Gibraltar crosses the runway so all traffic has to wait for aircraft to land and takeoff.

We took a drive around whilst they settled in and then went to meet then in their hotel, aptly named "The Rock"! We went to see their room and stood on the balcony admiring the view across the bay. There was a bump and a monkey appeared on the wall adjoining the balconies, we watched him for a while and took some pics. Suddenly it jumped down from the wall, shot in through the open patio door, stole some hot-cross buns and ran out again before we could blink!

Top of the rock looking north towards Spain.

Cheeky monkey

This monkey was determined to remove the taxi's aerial......

.... or wiper blades!

It's a hard life zzzzzzz

 Africa! You can just make out the mountains on the skyline.

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