Wednesday 9 March 2011

Los Millares

We left Almeria yesterday afternoon and drove north to the copper age settlement of Los Millares. We parked overnight in the carpark next to the visitor centre and after a leisurely breakfast we fought our way inside through a coach party of Lemmings.

After viewing a short film in the visitor centre we went to see a reconstruction of part of the fortified walls, workshops and houses.

The interior of a mud hut with examples of everyday items.

We really liked it here - a very good "museum" which together with the film we saw earlier made our subsequent walk around the excavations much more interesting.

The buildings used the local materals and techniques that would've been used in the copper age.

The excavations - in the foreground are the remains of the second of three defensive walls and behind this on the hill is where the main "keep" was located. This settlement was first occupied in 5000BC when Spain was covered in trees and the rivers were full of water.

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