Sunday 7 March 2021

The Med at last!

We woke to a grey overcast morning with light rain. We emptied and filled our tanks without getting too wet before hitting the road.

Our route this morning took us on a tiny road across the salt marshes where we spotted lots of pink flamingos. We soon arrived at Gruissan were we found a car park without a height barrier next to the marina. This area is clearly a major tourist hotspot as we are surrounded by empty holiday apartments.

We took a walk along the marina looking at the boats - there are hundreds here! Back to Kiki for coffee before continuing our journey.

We’re stopping tonight in the Aire de Camping Car at St Pierre la Mer. On arrival we were surprised to see around 30 other MH’s already pitched up.

After lunch we set out on a short hike to the Gouffre de l'Oeil-Doux. Signage was somewhat lacking but we eventually found this natural feature of a chasm with high walls and lake with emerald green water. We scrambled down to the lake and took some photos before climbing back to the top and skirting the rim.

We returned to Kiki for a drink and some chocolate sustenance before heading out again. This time we walked in the opposite direction towards the naturist beach. We said bonjour to the Mediterranean - oddly there were no naturists about on this chilly windy day - and then walked along the coast path into the small town. After 45mins or so we decided the rain clouds were looking ominous so we turned round and walked back to Kiki.

Shortly after returning the rain arrived so we put on the heating and Emma cooked up a warning meal before we settled in for the evening.

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