Monday 8 March 2021

Housekeeping Day

It was great to once again hear the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach during the night and we woke this morning to sunshine and a lovely blue sky. After breakfast and our usual empty and filling routine we headed to an Intermarche supermarche which has washing machines in its car park. An 18kg load of washing - practically everything we’d used over the last couple of weeks - washed, dried and put away in less than 2hrs. Back on the road we headed to the Aire de Camping Car at Beziers.

After lunch we took a walk into the city. We popped into a large shopping centre to find an Orange shop as we need a new data SIM for our router. We made an appointment for Wednesday morning - better than waiting around - and continued our walk. We headed up to the old cathedral but discovered that it was undergoing repair and looked a lot better from a distance. We dropped down to the river and followed it to where the Canal du Midi crosses it on an aqueduct. We climbed up to the canal and followed the tow path back to Kiki.

We sat outside in the sun for a while before our evening meal. Afterwards we watched hundreds of rooks coming into roost in some nearby trees before settling down for the night.

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